 222 Rutherford St. Greenville, SC 29609

Triune Circles

Triune Circles

Triune Circles is a year-long relational ministry designed to assist individuals and families who want to move out of poverty or homelessness and make significant life changes.

The focus is on equipping and empowering people to move forward while being surrounded by a supportive team. Each participant is called a leader because he or she is in charge of the direction the Circle moves and is accountable for decisions and progress.

Each Circle consists of one leader and four to five volunteers from the community. Both leaders and support team members go through training before and after the Circles are formed to help equip them for this journey. One of the foundational pieces of the program is "My Future Story", written by each leader and used as the target goal.

To learn more or to join a Triune Circle, contact Cheri Shumate at 864-233-8020 or cheri@triunemercy.org